maanantai 27. marraskuuta 2017

Friends keep me warm

 Art*journal*journey challenges to do something warm... So here is my second attempt. :) Friends - most defffently - keep me warm. They make me laught and I can be my self with them. 

These three "Happy fellows" are the  characters came out of Finnish folk stories - fabels. And  the fox is always the lazzy one. This is30*40 cm aquarell painting. And I like it a lot, how about you?

7 kommenttia:

  1. so beautiful journal, that is very nice!!!!
    Greetings Elke

  2. This is absolutely amazing! Touches my heart and your illustration art is just UNIQUE! Thank you for joining us at Art Journal Journey!

  3. what adorable animal friends-I love this painting!

  4. An adorable painting. The animals look so friendly and content with each other.

  5. You make beautiful art, and I simply adore the eyes on these fabled fellows. They make a beautiful AJJ entry, Anu-Riikka.

  6. Oh My! This really is the most fantastic painting! I love these friends and I am so happy to see this new page for Art Journal Journey! Thanks You! Chrisx


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