keskiviikko 1. maaliskuuta 2017

Fifty shades of Red

 I am not sure if there are fifty of them, but lot - that is sure.
Art*journal*journey did take it time.

I used very limited suplies here. Actually it has been happening now and then ...but here I used only watercolor (reds and black, just a little pit ocra and turquoise) and charcoal yes and water :D

I hope you find it interesting.

2 kommenttia:

  1. oooh she is absolutely breathtaking!! Delicate and soft...thanks SO much for sharing with AJJ!

  2. This is absolutely amazing Anu - Rikka! You have such a wonderful, artsy style ! You are a fantastic artist!
    Thank you so much for having linked this to Art JOurnal JOureny - 50 SHades of Red again!
    Much appreciated!
    Happy March - mabe we see you for the ne theme of:
    Would be a pleasure for us!
    oxo Susi


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