maanantai 27. helmikuuta 2017

Words & Paintery: Darling, you are a work of art

 Words And Paintery on Febryary gives us sutch lovely colors. My favourite ones.

And then I saw a photo of my friends chiken (named Neilikka) and it was inside of friends home beside a fireplace. So funny.

It is trend this now a days to keep chikens at least at the summer time here in Finland. We don´t have any, but I have lots of friends how do. And they find it very calming and relaxing to watch chikens walking around the garden and looking for food. 

But... I think that the sentence here is something what  a chiken would say.

4 kommenttia:

  1. Upea työ. . Thank you for joining us att Words & Paintery!

  2. Love your whimsical chicken. Thank you for joining us at Words and Paintery.

  3. Thank you Flona, Lena and Mandy. <3 And thanks for the challenge too <3


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