perjantai 14. huhtikuuta 2017

My Egypt pages

 I have soo much fun with drawing and watercolors that I just have to go with the flow.... So with that stuff in this lovely thema at Moo-Mania. At This time.

I made two pages. One with Neffertiti in it and one with lady and her friend.

Both pages are quite detailed. And I have useed metallic watercolors "Shimmering Lights" from Prima in both of them....

Same time I get to practise a darkes skin tones.

I like her dress...

4 kommenttia:

  1. oo this wonderful and sweeet the Egypt page!
    Greetings Elke

  2. Both pages are absolutely wonderful! I am just in love with your Neffertiti Anu-Riikka! She is GORGEOUS!!! Thank you very much for joining Moo Mania & More!
    What a pleasure for us to have such beautiful paintings linked to our special theme!
    Happy Easter weekend!
    oxo Susi

  3. Thank you Elke and Susi. I am so happy that I found your challenges... I love to paint - or draw or something - each and every day. And it helps to get started when you have a theme in mind. :)So hapy that it brings joy to you too

  4. Oijoi. Ala-asteella piirtelin vuosikausia ensin merenalaista elämää ja niistä siirryin egyptiläisiin! Pitäiskin taas uskaltautua. Kynnys vain kasvanut niistä ajoista, kun oma kynänjälki ei miellytä. Kiitos inspiraatioista!


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